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February, 2006

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February 27, 2006

The U.S. National Archives (NARA) has teamed with Google (the search engine giant) to provide free viewing and downloading of selected historical video clips. Some of the selections include WWII newsreels and NASA films. This could become a real boon for historical research conducted online. I certainly can see where it would benefit many people who are doing their personal history. You will be able to compare your story and timeline to other significant events.

| news story from Technology Review here |

February 22, 2006

As reported in the Albuquerque Journal, a project in northern New Mexico has teamed High School students with seniors. The young and young at heart are sharing memories and writing poetry together. The program was initially begun as a project by Pecos High School teacher MaryBeth Britton for her National Honor Society students. It has been chosen to receive the 2006 College Board Bob Costas Grand for the Teaching of Writing (one of just six programs in the country so recognized).

MaryBeth Britton had help from Susan Meira, an English teacher at Pojaoque High School. Now students from both schools participate and get to meet with residences of Kingston Residence Center, many of them in their eighties. I see this as an excellent win-win way of sharing memories and creative talents.

February 14, 2006

Valentine's Day - the holiday of love. Candy, jewelery, dinner and cards. It's become a very profitable business day for those dealing in the romance industry. Still, it can also be a great day of memories and a special time for couples.

For some reason I was reminiscing about those days in elementary school when we all gave and received little Valentine's cards. Some of them were downright silly. But it was a chance to socialize and think of others.

Some Valentine's facts (from )

The United States, Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, France and Australia all celebrate Valentine's Day.

Over 1 billion Valentine cards are sent in the U.S each year.

85% of all valentines are purchased by women.

Parents receive 1 out of every 5 valentines.

Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are the biggest holidays for giving flowers.

Worldwide, over 50 million roses are given for Valentine's Day each year.

Men buy most of the millions of boxes of candy and bouquets of flowers given on Valentine's Day

February 9, 2006

Most of us live in a society where the latest news becomes "old hat" in a matter of days. Sometimes huge events can pass into the background while those affected (like victims of wars and natural disasters) are still living through daily struggles to rebuild their lives.

Last night on the Grammy Awards the show closed with an all-star musical tribute featuring some prominent New Orleans musicians and some other big name stars. They were bringing home the point about how that great city has given us some wonderful culture and it needs to be restored and honored. I agree. Aside from the music and arts, there are many people with stories to tell from the Gulf Coast and the hurricanes that ravaged that area. So, if you get a moment, check out the Hurricane Digital Memory Bank, a website where you can read and contribute to the preservation of the stories from Katrina, Rita and Wilma.

February 7, 2006

Finding a good biography writer can take some work. You want someone professional, qualified, responsive and experienced - ideally. The field of professional personal historians who will write your biography is rapidly growing. More writers are entering this field of work. Some of them might not have a long history of biography writing, but can be very capable because of their previous experience in areas like journalism, marketing and genealogy or family history work.

I've spent some time networking with different biography writers, as well as developing the Your Life is Your Story services. One of the writers I respect who has been doing personal history projects/books for about 15 years is Kate Winters of Biography for Everyone. If you are interested in exploring her services check out this up close profile.

Everybody has a story to tell!
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