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July, 2004

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July 27, 2004

A completely psychedelic (and delicious) flashback to the groovy sixties can be found here.

The 1960's were a decade that changed a lot. In fact, it is still changing things. Timothy Leary, The Grateful Dead, Woodstock, the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, an in-depth look at the year 1968 and much more. And some really freaky posters. Far out, man.

July 26, 2004

The Highlight Site page has just been updated. This time we are looking at the means to create your own successful Internet web site. I'm sure the idea has crossed your mind. You could have a site like this devoted to personal history - your own or others. Or it could be another dream. Whatever your passion, hobby or business goals are, a good web site can further them. But, there is a lot that goes into it. The key is to have the right tools - system - vehicle. You don't have to spend an arm and a leg or be a techno-geek to accomplish it.

Take a look at the Highlight Site to see what I recommend.

July 20, 2004

Today is the 35th anniversary of the first moonwalk. I certainly remember watching television as a kid and being riveted to the grainy image of Neil Armstrong stepping down onto the lunar surface. There are some nice recollections and history of the Apollo 11 mission at

It is also my wedding anniversary. I am truly grateful for my bride, Annette, our children and our life together. 19 years is not a bad start.

July 19, 2004

If you are a writer working on your life story it's important to think about your self-image. What you think about yourself as a writer, not just what you think about your life. Of course, the two are closely related.

Your self image as a writer contributes to your writing style, the point of view (POV) you bring to the page and your values. I encourage you to spend some time thinking...and writing...about your self-image. You can read more on this topic at Angela Booth's excellent ProWrite web blog (the July 18th entry) go here.

July 13, 2004

I'm a big baseball fan so watching the Major League All Star game is an annual event. It's fun to see the best and brightest on the field. This year the American League provided most of the fireworks, including home runs by two Red Sox players (my favorite team), so I'm enjoying that.

Baseball is a big part of my past. I loved playing as a kid and even had aspirations to play professionally, although that dream evaporated by high school when I realized I didn't have the "stuff". Nothing wrong with having the dream, though. Over the years I can associate many memories around various World Series and the rare opportunties of attending big leagues games. I've managed to see several teams and there is certainly some magic in going to Fenway Park, Wrigley Field, Yankee and Dodger Stadiums (some of the ballparks where I've had the pleasure of seeing games).

Part of your story are the cultural activities you love. It can be anything - baseball just happens to be one of those things for me. Take a good look at your passions because they are important to your life story or memoir. Some of your most cherished value statements can emerge from these areas.

"As you grow older, you'll find the only things you regret are the things you didn't do."
— Zachary Scott

July 10, 2004

"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see."
- Winston Churchill

I've discovered a wonderful software life story tool. If you subscribe to my free e-zine you probably read about it in the last issue. Telling Stories is an affordable and highly creative software package that puts you in the driver's seat to easily create a multimedia biography. The end result is a slide show that incorporates writing, images, music, voiceovers, and even video. The software is easy to use as it is designed with helpful visual wizards and the ability to build upon some basic default options with your own customization. I recommend it.

July 4, 2004

Happy 4th of July! I hope that wherever you are you are enjoying the celebration of Independence Day for the U.S.A. My family and I are being pretty traditional: a cookout and some safe, legal fireworks (mainly fountains) in the cul-de-sac at the end of the street where we live.

I send birthday greetings to my younger brother, Doug. Yes, he's a "Yankee doodle dandy" born on the 4th of July.

my brother, Doug with his wife and sonHere's a picture of Doug with his lovely wife, Susan and young son, Joshua.

July 3, 2004,

I was catching up on some email today and a newsletter I subscribe to for writers (from the Write to Inspire web site) linked me to an article by Debra Johanyak, Writing Your Life. Once again, some great instruction to write what you know and from your life story.

July 1, 2004

Artists are fascinating people. I happened across the story of this young Navajo man, Sheldon Harvey, at a home schooling web site.

What struck me in the story was what the writer, Stephen Goode, discovered about Sheldon.

| excerpted from the story |
>>>What Harvey said and the way he said it impressed me as deeply as his art already had. He sees his goal clearly, even if the details need working out: He wants to tell the story of his people. By that he doesn't mean straight history so much as the spiritual history of the Navajo, from their earliest origins in what their creation story calls the First World.

His desire to depict the story of his people comes at a time when Navajo culture is in crisis. "It is disappearing," Harvey lamented. "Many of the old ways are fading. A lot of the youth are not interested. Parents are busy educating their kids to survive, and survival doesn't include the Navajo inheritance." 

Read the full story posted here at

Everybody has a story to tell!
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